Friday, February 12, 2010

Where Did All the Time Go?

Where Did All the Time Go?

When I was employed I had time for other things, now suddenly I don't. Being unemployed, you might very well find that you don't really have time for anything. It seems very strange, but you used to work an 8 or 9 hour workday and had time for all sorts of stuff in the evenings or before work. Suddenly you have that extra 8-9 hours a day and you seem to have less time than ever before.

When you have a job, and are gainfully employed, you are focused on your work. Maybe you keep your skills fresh and current, but you are focused on your job. When you go home at night, your job for the day is over, so you can concentrate on other things. Of course there are exceptions, and you might still think about how to solve certain problems you have been working on and the like, but your main focus at work is work and at home, other things.

Suddenly you are unemployed and your focus is no longer your work. You are focusing on other things. Whether it is finding a job, or taking courses or starting a business, your focus is less-defined and less-structured. Your "job" is no longer an 8-9 hour day in an office, but your "job" is now however much time it takes to find a job or to start that business, or to find just the right course and learn the material. You will probably find yourself using every "free" moment on the computer trying to get that business going or to land that elusive job.

And you suddenly don't have time for anything else, possibly not even for sleeping and eating! As they say, Ya gotta do what ya gotta do - to get that job or to make your current pursuit a success. However, it is worthwhile to set aside a little time each day for other things, especially sleeping and eating!

Where Did All the Time Go?

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