Friday, February 12, 2010

Sales Planning and Accountability

Sales Planning and Accountability

January is in the books and there are just 20 selling days in February. How's business? Are you measuring your results? Sales planning requires management commitment and accountability is a major ingredient in planning. For some folks, planning and New Year's resolutions took some effort back in December, but by mid-February, they are long forgotten.

Are you measuring your results and being accountable? Did January 2010 sales exceed January 2009 sales? Did actual exceed plan? If yes to both questions, congratulations and maintain the momentum. If you answered no, it's time to have another planning meeting.

If sales are below last year, what did you do last year that you didn't do this year? Did you have a blockbuster promotion event? Was there a sales contest? Was there a consumer sweepstakes? Did you lose a customer? Did some sales reps jump ship?

What are you doing that is different than last year? Don't sit back and say things will be fine, because they won't. Last year stunk, and 2010 will be the same if you don't make any corrections to your sales plan. If you don't change the way you do things, how can this year be any better than last year?

It is up to you (management, owner, CEO, founder) to figure out what is different, why sales are not meeting expectations, and put together some action steps that will quickly reverse the trend.

Action steps should include developing two or three goals for all key customers each quarter. At the end of the year, there should be eight successes for each customer.

Here is where the management commitment comes in; if you want to increase sales then you need to be accountable. Making up the difference to last year's numbers is a lot easier over 11 months than just a few. But only if you are measuring your results.

Is your team accountable for missing plan? Are you?

Mike Cooper is a recognized authority on consumer selling as well as the development of effective selling strategies. Mike is Head Chef and Chief Sales Officer, at Sales Kitchen, a sales leadership, coaching and consulting company. He has managed, coached or trained more than 800 sales professionals and earned numerous awards for leadership, sales achievement and for being a difference maker.

Sales Planning and Accountability

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