Monday, February 1, 2010

Bandhs hit normal life

Bandhs hit normal life

The frequent bandh calls being given by various political parties and groups are affecting the normal life adversely.

Public are suffering a lot due to the bandhs. One cannot get even milk and vegetables during the bandh. Contrary to this, the farmers are ending up with losses, as they can’t sell their produce in time. Students are already feeling the pinch of incomplete syllabus, as teachers working in government schools are burdened with many additional duties. The financial activities are coming to a standstill, as banks too are observing the bandh. Same is the case with government offices, where people are forced to make multiple visits to get their works done.

Traffic jams

Traffic jam has become the order of the day on city roads. It is not possible to move even a kilometre on the arterial roads without being caught in the traffic jam. Even as traffic constables were posted in all traffic junctions, many vehicle drivers are trying to jump the signals in a hurry to reach their destinations. As a result, vehicular jams are taking place in many areas daily. Absence of proper infrastructure is another major problem. It is known to every one that the roads need to be widened in many localities. Similarly, there is a need to construct foot over bridges to avoid traffic jam due to road crossing.

Check black marketing

Even as the police are catching the seller of black tickets every now and then, one cannot say that the problem of black ticketing is uprooted completely in the city.

Whenever there is a release of famous hero’s movie, people have to buy the tickets only in the black market by paying double the amount.

Though the theatres open advance booking counters, the counters work hardly for 15 minutes. The rumour is that many theatre managements have an “understanding” with the black marketers and prefer to sell the tickets only in the black. The authorities concerned must take necessary steps to avoid the menace of black marketing of movie tickets.

‘Free service’ under repair

Many fuel filing stations in the city began providing offering free service of air-filling into the cars and two-wheelers of their customers, as value-added service long back.

It began with a few stations in the city and the other too emulated them in a bid to attract their customers. However, now most of the service stations stopped offering the service for obvious reasons.

The staff in some filling stations said there is a shortage of workers to take up the ‘additional’ duty, whereas the other maintain the air-filling system is under repair.

People, who are used to the new comfort of completing the small task of air-filling at the filling stations itself, are now suffering a lot. The oil companies must look into this issue and address the problem.

source page the hindu news paper

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