Friday, February 12, 2010

Sample Interview Questions and Answers to Get the Job

Sample Interview Questions and Answers to Get the Job

Looking for some sample interview questions and answers? Here are three common questions that you need to be prepared for. There are tons more that are extremely important, but we'll go over 3 sample interview questions and answers.

1. Why did you leave your last employer?

You should answer it truthfully, but you need to also keep your guard up. They might be looking for a piece of information to exploit (And then use that to say "thanks, but no thanks.") Remember, your future employer is looking for the perfect candidate. If you show any signs of NOT being that, they simply won't hire you. You need to nail this question by giving them a very confident response, and something that is acceptable. This is one of the more common of the sample interview questions and answers.

2. Have you ever been fired or forced to resign?

Another question which you have to answer truthfully. I would definitely "butter it up" if you have been, though, by saying that they were simply downsizing or merging two departments (And you weren't needed anymore.) However, don't lie. If you were fired or forced to resign for a serious problem I wouldn't lie about it. Don't tell them the reason if you don't have to, but don't volunteer it either. Keeping a good image is very important.

3. Have you ever had any problems with a future employer? (Tricky)

There are a few more questions like this one that you NEED to answer properly. This particular question is a "trick question," though. They expect that you've had a problem in the past with an employer, and if you say you haven't they assume you're lying. So tell them honestly, but don't make it look like it was a serious issue. Tell them that you handled it professionally.

Sample Interview Questions and Answers to Get the Job

Click Here For Proven Answers To ALL The Most Common Interview Questions.

Sample Interview Questions and Answers to Get the Job


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